Staff Well-being

We know staff well-being can be impacted upon by all sorts if issues, both from our place of work and home life. We all build up resilience and strategies to enable us to manage these issues, but sometimes they can spill over and it impact on how we feel, how we engage with those around us and how we perform at work. At BDMAT we want to ensure all of our staff have the support they need whenever life gets difficult. This is why we have invested in a range of support for our staff.
Employee Assistance Programme
We offer a free and confidential service to all staff, which is available 24/7. The service allows all staff to access a wide range of support on their emotional and mental health through to legal and financial advice.
24/7 GP Service
Gaining access to a GP can often be time consuming and the wait for an appointment can prevent staff from getting a prescription they need or putting their mind at rest. We have invested in a GP 24/7 access service, provided through the Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund, which can provide medical advice and prescriptions.
Health Cash Plan
Also available through the Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund is a discounted cash plan scheme to help spread the cost of eye care, dentistry and some other medical treatments for staff and members of their family. The bronze package is discounted from £10 per month to £5.95 per month through a salary sacrifice scheme.
Mental Health Support
All staff have the opportunity to discuss the things that are impacting on impacts on their mental health and well-being. This can be with their manager, with an Adult Mental health First Aider or with a qualified counsellor through our Employee Assistance Programme.
Adult Mental Health First Aid
We are investing in establishing a network of Adult Mental Health First Aiders across BDMAT with an ambition to have a minimum of one per school by the end of 2024.
Well-being day
BDMAT provides all staff with a well-being day where staff can either invest in their own well-being, take time to celebrate a birthday or watch your children in a play or sports day.